Mastering the Art of the Second Follow Up After Interview Email Sample

Welcome to our article on Second Follow Up After Interview Email Sample! In this piece, we will provide you with examples of follow-up emails that you can use after your job interview. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, these samples can be easily tailored to suit your individual needs and preferences. Let’s dive in!

The Best Structure for Second Follow Up After Interview Email Sample

After you’ve had an interview and want to follow up with the hiring manager, it’s important to do so in a professional and concise manner. Here is the best structure for a second follow-up email after an interview:

  • Subject Line: Make sure to have a clear and concise subject line that indicates the purpose of the email. For example: Follow-Up on [Position Title] Interview
  • Greeting: Start with a friendly greeting such as “Hi [Interviewer’s Name],” or “Dear [Hiring Manager],”
  • Express Gratitude: Begin the email by thanking the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you and for considering your application.
  • Reiterate Interest: Reaffirm your interest in the position and highlight key skills or experiences that make you a strong candidate.
  • Provide Updates: If there have been any developments since the interview (such as a new certification or relevant work experience), mention them briefly in the email.
  • Ask for Feedback: Politely ask for feedback on your interview performance and inquire about the timeline for the hiring decision.
  • Closing: Close the email with a professional sign off, such as “Best Regards” or “Sincerely,” followed by your name.
  • Subject Line: Make sure to have a clear and concise subject line that indicates the purpose of the email. For example: Follow-Up on [Position Title] Interview

Here is an example template for a second follow-up email:

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Sample Second Follow-Up Email Template

Subject Line: Follow-Up on Marketing Manager Interview

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to thank you once again for the opportunity to interview for the Marketing Manager position at [Company Name]. I am very excited about the prospect of joining your team and contributing to the company’s success. I believe my strong background in digital marketing and data analysis make me a great fit for the role.

Since our interview, I have completed a certification in social media marketing which I believe further enhances my qualifications for the job. I am eager to hear your feedback on my interview and would appreciate any insights you can share on the next steps in the hiring process.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Remember to keep your follow-up email brief, professional, and polite. A well-crafted follow-up email can help you stand out from other candidates and reinforce your interest in the position.

Second Follow Up After Interview Email Sample

Tips for Second Follow Up After Interview Email Sample

So you’ve had your job interview, and now you’re wondering whether or not you should send a second follow-up email. Well, the short answer is yes! A second follow-up email shows your continued interest in the position and can help to keep you top of mind for the hiring manager. Here are some tips for crafting the perfect second follow-up email:

  • Keep it concise: Your second follow-up email should be short and to the point. The hiring manager is likely busy, so you want to make sure your email is easy to read and digest.
  • Reference the previous interview: Remind the hiring manager of your previous interview and thank them for the opportunity to speak with them.
  • Express continued interest: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and why you believe you would be a great fit for the role.
  • Provide any additional information: If you have any new information to share, such as updated availability or recent accomplishments, include it in your email.
  • Set a timeline: Politely ask about the next steps in the hiring process and when you can expect to hear back.
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Here’s a sample template for a second follow-up email:

Subject: Following Up on [Position] Interview
Hi [Hiring Manager’s Name], I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our interview for the [Position] role and express my continued interest in the opportunity. I enjoyed our conversation and am excited about the possibility of joining your team.
Since our last meeting, I have completed a relevant project that I believe showcases my skills in [specific area]. I have included a link to it below for your review. Link to project
If there are any further steps in the hiring process, please let me know. I am looking forward to potentially working together and am eager to hear about the next steps. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best regards, [Your Name]

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this sample email gives you the confidence you need to follow up after your next job interview. Remember to personalize it and show gratitude for the opportunity to interview. Keep practicing your follow-up skills and don’t be afraid to reach out again if you don’t hear back. Good luck and visit again for more helpful tips!